Polly Brant

Polly explores art as a common; a shared space intended for everyone and bringing art into the everyday. They are interested in building common spaces, connections and supporting art education. The outcomes of their research are realised through a selection of processes which have included text, posters, use of space, collaboration, and textiles.

It’s an on-going process of connections that Polly wants to continue to grow through meeting people, learning, and making:

Materials – To learn through making.

Space – To be made common.

People – To occupy space and make use of things.

Polly’s practice imagines “ordinary and intended for everyone” (Politics of trespassing,2011) types of space where you could make it your own and use it as you wish; perhaps to just sit and drink tea or maybe gather with others to make something happen, the space is there for you. In the words of Allen Kaprow “situations for a happening should come from what you see in the real world, from real places and people rather than from the head”.

UKNA Projects:

Taking Place: Lincoln - New Artist Collective