Arts Award
Painting by Sara Mahmood (16 yrs), as part of her Gold Arts Award.
Arts Award is a range of unique qualifications that supports anyone aged up to 25 to grow as artists and arts leaders, inspiring them to connect with and take part in the wider arts world through taking challenges in an art form - from fashion to digital art, pottery to poetry.
UK New Artists are a registered Arts Award Centre, as well as an Arts Award Supporter. As a Centre we deliver the awards through specific projects, and have previously taken young people through the Discover, Bronze and Gold levels as part of our ongoing Talent Development projects.
In 2020 we took 15 young people through the Bronze Award as part of our on-going Virtual Work Experience programme. The offer was entirely online and enabled participants to utilise the wide range of live-streamed, recorded and online workshops, performances and exhibitions. You can read more about our delivery approach here.
Outside of our in-house delivery, as a Supporter organisation, we can help young people to achieve their award through practical workshops and activities, events and exhibitions and by connecting them with professional artists from a wide range of disciplines.